street people

persons whose home is in the streets of a city; the homeless.
people who make their living in the streets, especially of large cities, as vendors or performers.
the people of a neighborhood, especially a crowded big-city neighborhood or ghetto, who frequent the streets of their area.
Examples from the web for street people
  • And you can arrange your miniature street people in your miniature town square without feeling sorry for them.
  • It's odd that in such a quiet society that you find such talkative street people.
  • Yuen noted that some of the street people are mentally ill who chose to live in the streets.
  • street people try to sell utterly unnecessary things.
Slang definitions & phrases for street people

street people

noun phrase
  1. Ghetto dwellers
  2. Homeless people such as transient hippies, bag ladies, and the like; drifters (1967+)